
T-MobileSidekick3手机和智能手机·型号.型号.苹果iPhone13·苹果iPhone11·品牌.品牌.夏普·T-Mobile·操作系统.操作系统.Android·DangerOS·颜色 ...,TheDangerHiptop,alsore-brandedastheT-MobileSidekick,MobiflipandSharpJump,isaGPRS/EDGE/UMTSsmartphonethatwasproducedbyDanger,Inc.from ...Hiptop2/T-MobileSidekickII...·Hiptop3/T-MobileSidekick3...·Software,評分2.7(99)群組文字可讓您建立、命名、管理和參與回覆-所有...

T-Mobile Sidekick 3 手机和智能手机

T-Mobile Sidekick 3 手机和智能手机 · 型号. 型号. 苹果iPhone 13 · 苹果iPhone 11 · 品牌. 品牌. 夏普 · T-Mobile · 操作系统. 操作系统. Android · Danger OS · 颜色 ...

Danger Hiptop

The Danger Hiptop, also re-branded as the T-Mobile Sidekick, Mobiflip and Sharp Jump, is a GPRS/EDGE/UMTS smartphone that was produced by Danger, Inc. from ... Hiptop2/T-Mobile Sidekick II... · Hiptop3/T-Mobile Sidekick 3... · Software

Samsung 三星的T-Mobile Sidekick 霧面黑(T-Mobile)

評分 2.7 (99) 群組文字可讓您建立、命名、管理和參與回覆- 所有群組文字對話; Andoid 2.2 Operatin 系統. 查看更多. 產品規格. 显示器. 屏幕尺寸, 3.5 Inches. 屏幕像素, 480 x 800.

T-Mobile Sidekick retrospective (photos)

The first T-Mobile Sidekick debuted in 2002. It featured a 240x160-pixel, 4-bit monochrome display and was touted as a BlackBerry for the masses. The handheld ...

T-Mobile Sidekick 3 Cell Phones & Smartphones for sale

T-Mobile Sidekick 3 Cell Phones & Smartphones · Vintage Classic Sharp T-Mobile Sidekick 3 PV200 Silver Rare New No Battery/back · sidekick 3 - Lot Of Two - New.

T-Mobile Sidekick 4G - Full phone specifications

T-Mobile Sidekick 4G Android smartphone. Announced Mar 2011. Features 3.5″ display, Hummingbird chipset, 3.15 MP primary camera, 1500 mAh battery, ...

The Sidekick Phone | T

The iconic T-Mobile® Sidekick® 4G changed everything. Learn about the history of the Sidekick, get support, and keep an eye out for updates.

Phone Stories: 2004 T-mobile Sidekick 2

This sidekick one seemed to be very pop in the US, don't know about it here in Brazil, but it looks really cool. Wish those styles of phone would come back.


2009年Sidekick數據丟失事件導致約800000名美國智慧型手機使用者暫時失去個人資料,丟失的資料包括他們的行動電話中的電子郵件、通訊錄和相片。於本次事件中丟失資料的 ...